Online poker takes the game of poker and cranks it up to a whole new level. It is played in a web browser and can be accessed from any computer, tablet or mobile device. It can be played for the smallest stakes imaginable, such as pennies, or it can be played for satellite entries into the most amazing live poker tournaments in the world. And it can be played by anyone, from novices to pros.
There was a time in the not-so-distant past when the contrast between “live poker players” and “online poker players” was quite stark. You would hear stories of live professionals venturing into online play and not doing so well (with some complaining that the game wasn’t “real” poker). Today, however, there is a lot more overlap between the two groups and many top-level players play both online and live poker.
The first step in playing online poker is to sign up with an online poker site. There are a wide range of different poker sites and networks to choose from, from the large brands such as Full Tilt Poker and PokerStars to smaller ones that cater to specific markets and player types. When choosing an online poker site it is important to make sure that they are licensed and regulated by a recognised gaming authority and offer a secure environment for gambling.
Once you have signed up with an online poker site you will be given a username and password which you can use to log into the website at any time. Once logged in you will be taken to the poker lobby where you can select which type of poker game you wish to play. Most poker websites will also allow you to play multiple tables simultaneously which can be a great way of maximising your profits.
Another important element in the lobby is the poker software which allows you to track your results and see how you are performing on each table. There are a number of poker software programs available to help with this, including Poker Tracker 4 which is the market leader and competes with Holdem Manager 3. Using either one of these will allow you to get a detailed look at your results and understand what strategies work and which don’t.
While there are many poker software programs and training options available online the best way to improve your poker is to play regularly and learn from your mistakes. You can do this in a number of ways, from asking your friends for feedback to hiring a professional coach.
Almost all serious players are constantly working on their games and making use of various coaching options to ensure that they can compete at the highest levels. Tournaments are often seen as the pinnacle of poker but the reality is that there is a huge amount of money to be made from other poker formats, too. In addition, winning a poker tournament is incredibly difficult and requires a lot of hard work, dedication and study.